How to modify the unit on PCB
You can use the shortcut key Q
You can click the unit switch drop-down on the top toolbar
You can click the top menu - View - Unit to switch
How to delete unwanted paste mask layers
How to delete unwanted paste mask layers (steel mesh layer, soldering paste layer) in EasyEDA, here are two methods:
- Click the pad on the PCB, set the paste mask extension to custom for the pad, and set the value to -1000. When the paste mask extension is 0, the solder paste shape is the same size as the pad shape. When it is a negative number, it will be smaller than the pad shape.
If you don't want to set the pads one by one, you can set it directly in the design rules. The paste mask extension attribute of the pad is the general type (follow the rules) by default.
- When exporting Gerber, select custom export and uncheck the paste mask layer. Note: this will not export the entire paste mask layer! ! !
Similarly, if you do not need to cover the pad with green oil, you can make similar settings for the solder mask extension or solder mask layer.
How to convert copper region to fill region
If you want to convert the dynamic copper shape to fill area so that it can be placed on the silk screen layer, etc., you can directly convert it to fill area in the copper fill property panel, and then switch the layer of the fill area.
The operation is as follows:
Draw copper within the border and keep the copper island
Click copper fill, you need to click the left button twice
Click "Convert to fill area" in the right property panel
Cannot open PCB properly
1, please ensure that the computer has a graphics card, and not very old graphics card. Because opening the PCB needs the support of the graphics card. 2, re-open the editor to try or log out (choose to remove the cache), if you still can not open, there may be data abnormalities, please contact technical support. 3, if the client, please use Google Chrome and start hardware acceleration. Currently found that some Win7 computer installation client can not properly open PCB, the browser is normal.
How to set design rules
In the top menu - Design - Design Rules
How to generate PCB order file
In the Top Menu - Export - PCB Fabrication File Gerber
How to modify the copper zone heat welding
Just modify the rules for copper zone in the design rules.
How to show hidden copper
In the Filter tab on the right side, hide the "Copper Pavement Area (Fill)". Or click on the copper pavement and right-click to hide it. Shortcut SHIFT + M to show or hide all.
Add commonly used fonts
Support setting your own commonly used fonts. These fonts need to be installed on the local computer to be called by the editor, otherwise the editor will automatically use the default font provided by the browser for rendering.
To add custom fonts. (1) Install the fonts you need on your local computer first, if you already have fonts, you can ignore this step.
(2) Take Windows system as an example, find the font settings inside the system settings and get the font name. You need to get the exact display name, not the file name of the font file.
(3) Add a font according to the font name.
(4) You can see this font in the text font switch of the schematic or PCB, and you can switch the font at this time.
The added fonts can be used by schematics, panels, PCBs, etc.
How to add FPC?
Three shapes can be found and placed in the top menu bar. Top Menu Bar - Place - FPC Stiffener It should be noted that only the professional version has the function of adding FPC, the standard version does not.
How to clone?
Only borad, schematic diagram, PCB can be right-click to select clone.
How to place the Slot Region?
Place in the top menu bar. Please refer:https://prodocs.easyeda.com/en/pcb/place-slot-region/
How to place Prohibited Region?
Start by finding the Prohibited Region in the top menu bar and select the element you want to disable. Please refer:https://prodocs.easyeda.com/en/pcb/place-prohibited-region/
How to batch change font size in pcb?
The first option: Change the default Settings. After this change is made, all fonts used will be set according to this standard.
The second option, select all the text and modify it in the properties bar on the right. This method works for all components that have been placed, but the modified Settings only exist in the current pcb.
How to modify the “plated”of the pad?
Select the pads to select them in the Properties column on the right. It should be noted that once the ‘plated’ setting of the pad is set to ‘no’, the pad loses its electrical properties and the inner wall of the through-hole is copper-free.
How to change the zoom of the editor?
Generally the system default zoom is to scroll the mouse wheel to control the zoom size. You can change the zoom method in the “Setting” on the top menu bar.
How to modify the line width during the wiring process?
How to solve the problem of Ratlines after copper is paved?
First of all, this is because the copper skin has a gap, so you need to place a wire or a hole to connect. In the first method, after the top layer of copper is finished, it is necessary to continue the bottom layer of copper. After the copper laying is completed, two vias are placed near the two end components.
The top and bottom layers of the copper network must be consistent.
After placing the vias, both the top and bottom layers must "Rebuild the Copper Region". The second way is to use wires and vias to rewire and connect the bottom layer to the top layer. It is necessary to finish the top and bottom layer of copper before connecting.
How to add a solder mask to the vias or pads?
First select the vias or pads. Find "property" in the right menu bar, and set the value of the top and bottom solder mask extensions respectively. The larger the value, the larger the copper leakage of the window.
How to modify the rules for connecting copper area to pads?
Firstly, select the ‘Design’ window in the top menu bar to access the ‘Design Rule’ function.Then select ‘Copper Zone’ to enter the design rule interface to modify the copper laying rules.And you can modify the connection types.There are three connection types to choose from: Spoke, Direct, and No Connection.
How to use Boolean Operation to draw the fill area of the circle?
First draw two circular fill regions.
Then selected elements in the frame and use Boolean Operation's "Exclude Overlapping Areas" function. Note: Only Fill Regions can use Boolean Operation.
You can also use other functions to achieve the effect of overlap.
Why not show it after laying copper?
There are the following reasons for not being displayed after the copper paving:
Check whether the Board Outline Layer is completely closed.
Whether the copper network has the same network on the PCB board.
If there is no network inside copper or the network is different, then you can click on the copper line frame, and then modify the attribute "Keep Island" in the attribute bar on the right attribute bar to "Yes".
If the small piece of copper is not displayed, then move the small copper that is not displayed in the Copper Manager can be moved to the large copper. Please refer:https://prodocs.easyeda.com/en/pcb/tools-copper-manager/
Check if the "eye" is opened inside the filter.
How to select all wires in bulk and change wire width?
Check the wires individually inside the filter.Then select the entire pcb and it will automatically filter out all wires. The last thing you need to do is change the attribute.
How to add fillet?
Select the desired line segment, click the right mouse button, select ‘Add’ inside the ‘add fillet’ function can be completed to add.
How to draw v-cuts?
Use the polyline of the Board Outine Layer to draw an extension line where the V cut is needed. You may choose to use text alongside the words "v-cut" or not.
How to remove green oil from copper area?
Tick the Fill Region option in the filter panel on the right.Then select Lay Copper and select “Convert to Fill Region” on the right.Finally, you can see the result in a 3d preview.
How to remove the inner layer?
You can try the following ways to deal with the error reported when deleting the internal electrical layer:
Step 1: Hide all layers and show only the inner layers.
If you are blind via ,and you need to open the multilayer.
Select All to remove all elements.
Step 2: Delete all the blind hole design rules in the design rules.After both steps are done, you can go back to the Layer manager and change the multi-layer board to a 2-layer board.
How to set the position of component Designator in bulk?
The Property Location function can be found in the top menu bar.Also, in the schematic you can find and use the Property Location function.
How to make square pads?
Currently we are only able to support the creation of square multilayer pads, but not square drilled multilayer pads. When we need to make square multilayer pads, we can change the shape by selecting the pads and then changing the shape in the property bar on the right.
What should I do when the 3D preview doesn't show the board effect?
Check the Board Outline Layer if the board effect is not shown in the 3D preview after the PCB is drawn. You need to check that the endpoints between Board Outlines are closed and that there are no overlapping Board Outlines. If there are dispersed line segments, you need to close them all as a whole. If there are overlapping segments, they need to be deleted.
You can hide all the layers and then view them with only the Board Outline displayed to scrutinize each line segment.
How does the wire leak copper?
Select a wire, click the right mouse button and select Add Soldermask.You can then see in the 3d preview that the wire showing yellow is the effect of leaking copper skin.
How to remove the green oil from the surface of the board?
How can I get rid of the green oil on the surface of the board when no copper-laying area is used in the PCB? Select Draw a piece of Fill region Set its layer as top soldermask layer and then preview it in 3d to see the effect.
How to change the colour of the ratline?
Go to the Layer Manager from the top menu bar, then find the ratline layer and change the color of that layer. Note that you can only change the colors of all ratlines, not the colors of individual ratlines.
How to change the wire colour for a particular network?
If you want to modify the wires of a network individually, you can find the "Net" toolbar in the left panel of the PCB interface.Then you can change the colour of the network name you want to modify.
How to solve the DRC error reporting free copper region in the internal electric layer?
This is what you can do when ‘free copper region error’ occurs: Step 1: Place the brush on the inner electric layer.
Step 2: Click to select the inner layer area and set ‘Keep Island’' to “No” in the right property bar.
All problems with the error ‘free copper region’ can be solved in this way.
How is the inner layer partitioned?
You need to use the folding tool in the inner layer, rebuild the inner electric layer after drawing, shift+b to achieve partitioning, and then click on Set Network.Note that you need to select Retain Silos to enable partitioning.